Saturday, November 17, 2007

God and MacGyver

I heard a guest on a radio show the other day who was supposed to be representing the Christian voice of politics. Only the tail-end of the appearance was heard, but the part that was heard included a statement to the effect of “I believe that if people pray, God can orchestrate the circumstances so that His candidate is elected.” It was probably intended to be an affirmation of God’s sovereignty despite insurmountable circumstances, or the power of prayer, but it just irritated me. We are giving way too much to ANY political party or politician who claims to have the endorsement of God. Most candidates, if asked, would probably tell you that they believe they could be God’s instrument to bring about change in this country or else they wouldn’t be running. What if there are prayer vigils held all around the country and the candidate that is “supposed to be” elected isn’t? What does that say of God or of his praying people? Was it “lack of faith”?

I believe in the awesome power, provision and protection of God (how’s that alliteration for all my preacher friends!?). I just envision in it in a different way. Which is more amazing… orchestrating circumstances so that a specific person is elected, or still achieving your purposes despite whoever is in the Whitehouse? My vote is for the latter. There is more evidence both historically and biblically that suggests God’s work despite flawed leadership. It’s kind of like how amazed we could be with MacGyver who could pull off an escape with just a Swiss army knife, chewing gum, and a piece of string. My God is too amazing and too powerful to need any one person in charge other than Himself.

1 comment:

C said...

Oh, I find myself yelling, "BINGO!" every time I read your posts.

Funny, how some spend all of their time trying to figure out who might have the most stars on their proverbial "Jesus Card," in order to decide their votes.

It's painful to watch.