Thursday, January 1, 2009

Sweet 16

Today I have been married to my incredible wife for 16 years. The cool thing about being married on January 1 is that every new year together is literally a new year. There are "uncool" thinigs about being married on January 1. Such as the busyness of the holiday season interfering with a true celebration of the years spent together and the hit our budgets take at Christmas usually makes for anniversaries that are not marked with the kinds of gifts we would like to give. However, we do make time for a night out after the fact. Time with just my wife is something I cherrish and is increasingly more rare the older our children become.

One of the strengths of our marriage is that we have usually communicated about those important things. We talked and prayed about uprooting our family and leaving what was familiar in 2001 and beginning a very new and often stressful time in our lives. We have talked about the need to "go easy" on the anniversary gifts because of Christmas and the need to be sacrifical with some of our time alone to be more involved and devoted to our children during this important stage of their development. Now, that doesn't mean we always agree on everything, but one thing I can say about us as a couple is that in 16 years I don't remember either of us yelling and screaming at the other when angry. And believe me, I am not the easiest person to live with (no comments from the peanut gallery please). Respect and love for one another have been cardinal traits of this relationship. I cannot say thank you enough to her.

The apostle Paul reminds us if we are to boast it is to boast in and about Christ. He is the One I give the credit for these 16 years. It is his sustaining and overflowing grace that has brought us to and through all these years. He has blessed me with an incredibly kind, loving, gentle, extension of himself in Laurie. I cannot imagine life without her, nor would I want to. He teaches me through her on an almost daily basis. Plus, she is smokin' hot!


emily and kyle said...

Very sweet! Happy Anniversary! Hope you guys have a great day!

Laurie said...

I have enjoyed the 16 years of marriage very much and I'm not the easiest person to deal with either.
We are so blessed by each other and by our 2 precious children. God certainly did us right! Here's praying for many, many more years together!
Love you Paul!

Anonymous said...

What a sweet tribute to our beautiful daughter. She is an incredible person and she picked an incredible person for her husband. We are very pleased with her choice and think of you as a son. What a testimony your marriage is to those you come in contact with. A successful marriage is based on a deep love for one another and for God. That is why your marriage is so good. May God bless you with the joy of growing old together. Happy 16th Anniversary!!!!! Love Jerry and Wanda