Sunday, June 15, 2008

RIP Tim Russert

Just in case you have not turned on the television or been on the internet in the last two days, you should know that one of the premiere political analysts/scholars died Friday afternoon. Tim Russert was probably best known as the host of Meet the Press. I watched that show nearly every week. What I appreciated most about Russert as a professional was his tenacity to have questions answered without being distracted by political double-speak and avoidance. I appreciated his research and preparation for a guest and how he would use their own words for or against them without adding "spin" or bias. While most people would agree he voted most consistently with the democratic party, he seemingly did so, not as a party loyalist, but because that was the party that most aligned with his values. You HAVE to admire that in a such a public figure. He seemed unimpressed with a person's fame or powerful positions and simply wanted truth. Even though he was tenacious, he was humble and respectful. Russert is one of those people that you simply notice is intelligent but not because he is quick to flaunt it.

As a person, I respected Russert's value of family. He only wrote 2 books and both were about family. As a self-proclaimed Catholic, he was devoted to his faith. He was an unashamed Buffalo Bills fan. He was the kind of person I would have loved to have lunch with or just share a cup of coffee. I will miss him in my living room on Sunday mornings.