Sunday, June 10, 2007

My Aching Back!

Well, we finally bit the proverbial "bullet" and purchased enough grass sod to start a front yard. Before the sod was delivered, we decided to use one pallet in the back just off our back porch to keep Holly (our chocolate lab) from tracking in a lot of dirt/mud. We have plans in the Fall, to spray in a big back yard and the north side of our house to round off the yard.

The big purple semi pulled up to our home at 9:00 AM and delivered 8 pallets of sod for us to lay before the day ended. The workers included my fabulous wife, mother-in-law, 12-year-old daughter, 9-year-old son, myself and two dear, dear, DEAR friends Corey and Dustin. Corey helped in the morning hours and Dustin showed up for the afternoon. Oh! I can't forget Scott who laid out the last 3 rectangles for us. The kids worked their little buns off for about 2 hours and were pretty much spent. The both headed to the showers and then to a swimming pool with friends.

By lunch, we had about 5 pallets!! Yeah for us!! I had to go show our old home to a prospective buyer around 3 and by the time I got back, Laurie and her mother had most of the back yard pallet emptied.

This morning we all got out of bed VERY gently. But we think it looks pretty good. We just need to keep it watered... hello high water bill!

1 comment:

emily and kyle said...

You should have waited and made Brooke help you. That is what I like to do...use my family wisely. But thanks for saving her...she needs her rest for our move! :) haha It looks great! Yall did WONDERFUL!!!